The EX FIDE FIducia trust
Men and Women For Others
Supporting the present and future pupils of St.George's College, Harare, Zimbabwe
Supporting the present and future pupils of St.George's College, Harare, Zimbabwe
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals in providing funding for students and continuing the work of St. George's College in providing the best possible education for its students
The Ex Fide Fiducia Trust (the EFFT) is run entirely by volunteers, based largely in the UK but including members of the St. George's College family in Zimbabwe as well. Each of us owes much to the College and have got involved in the EFFT to ensure that the College continues to be able to give other pupils the same opportunities and star
The Ex Fide Fiducia Trust (the EFFT) is run entirely by volunteers, based largely in the UK but including members of the St. George's College family in Zimbabwe as well. Each of us owes much to the College and have got involved in the EFFT to ensure that the College continues to be able to give other pupils the same opportunities and start in life that we had ourselves.
The EFFT Trustees include accountants, lawyers, business, education and healthcare professionals (full list of Trustees can be found on the Charity Commission's website here: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5132716/trustees)
The EFFT was set up by a group of Old Georgians and formally launched in April 2016. It is a registered charity (reg. Charity no. 1183364 ) based in the United Kingdom, through which assets or money for scholarships and pupil projects, are pledged for future College pupils. It was set up to outlive all Old Georgians, and this will ensur
The EFFT was set up by a group of Old Georgians and formally launched in April 2016. It is a registered charity (reg. Charity no. 1183364 ) based in the United Kingdom, through which assets or money for scholarships and pupil projects, are pledged for future College pupils. It was set up to outlive all Old Georgians, and this will ensure that it continues in perpetuity.
The Trust is the official fundraising vehicle for any appeals made to the Old Georgian fraternity, on behalf of St George’s or Hartmann House. The Trust also has charitable status, which means that UK-based donors can pledge amounts and claim tax back on contributions made.
Anyone can donate towards the Trust – an OG, a past parent, a staff member, even a Jesuit alumnus, safe in the knowledge that that gift will be treated exactly as per his/her wishes.
We focus on making the maximum positive effort for the College community. Initially, our focus will be on providing scholarships where needed and on infrastructure or project works at the College.
Applications to the EFFT for scholarship assistance should be made via St. George's College in the first instance: https://www.stgeorges.co.zw/contact-us/
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